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Chappaqua AYSO

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Section 3 - Area 3T - Region 139
Home Home Page Schedules Rules Safety

FALL 2009 / SPRING 2010 
How to Sign Up

Fill out the Chappaqua AYSO Coaching Request Form.  This will help us assign your request to the appropriate division coordinator(s).

     Fill out eAYSO Volunteer form – fill out on line at www.eAYSO.org, sign and send two copies to David Perlmutter – AYSO CVPA, 4 West Red Oak Lane, Suite 105, White Plains, NY 10604.  All volunteers must be registered in the eAYSO database.

Coaching Requirements

     Safe Haven - AYSO Safe Haven and some of the age appropriate courses are  offered in the area during the summer.  Safe Haven teaches the basics of working with children under the guidelines of the Child and Volunteer Protection Act.  Volunteers must complete Safe Haven to be covered by AYSO’s supplemental insurance.  The courses can be taken on-line, but only as a last resort, as AYSO’s National Coaching Commission strongly prefers that the Safe Haven class be taken from a certified instructor rather than online.

    AYSO Age Appropriate Certification – offered in the area during the summer.  These classes teach coaching basics, including lots of fun practice games to play with your team.  AYSO requires that an age appropriate coaching class be completed every 2 years, as your child ages through the program.  SuperCamp in August, is a great opportunity to improve your coaching skills, with courses taught by AYSO’s national coaching staff.  If you can’t make SuperCamp, there will be other training opportunities in September.  Anyone taking the on line age appropriate certification course must also take the field component of the course to achieve certification.

    SUNY Youth Sports NY must certify all new coaches. The cost to receive certification is $20 (make checks payable to SUNY Youth Sports). The certification is valid for two years. The training class, which is facilitated by an instructor, requires your attendance. We will offer this training class periodically throughout the year in New Castle, in addition, training classes are offered at Westchester Community College.  Pre-registration is required for each training session, for a list of training sessions and to register go to www.youthsportsny.org.  Shortly after taking the training class you will receive your registration number and Youth Sports NY credentials, through the mail. At which time you will need to report it to your league director for verification purposes.   

    Background Check –  In the spring of 2005, the Town of New Castle instituted a mandatory background check for all coaches and assistant coaches.  The background check consent form is available on line at www.chappaquaayso.org on the forms page.   Send the form to the New Castle Department of Parks and Recreation, 200 South Greeley Avenue, Chappaqua, NY 10514.  If you already filled out the form for another sport then you do not have to do it again for soccer.   Background checks must be repeated every four years. 

    We’ll provide information via e mail and the www.chappaquaayso.org website on when and where classes are             offered.  

    For additional information on coaching or assistance in signing up for courses, contact our Regional Coach Coordinator Scott Krase at skrase@ohpny.com

    Thanks for volunteering to coach.  We appreciate the time that you dedicate to fulfilling these requirements and to coaching.  If there is anything we can do to help, let us know.

    Here are some great online coaching resources:

           Chappaqua AYSO Handbook for Coaches (2005-06 edition – please send recommended updates to
           Scott Krase at skrase@ohpny.com )

         www.bytesizecoaching.com Username: chapayso  Password: horace72

If you’ve found other sites that you like, please let us know!