Unfortunately the Spring 2020 season has been cancelled. Some important items as we close out this season and prepare for the fall:
You’ll hear from your Division Coordinator shortly on when to return your equipment bag.
Senior Leadership Transition
After a very long and enjoyable tenure Jonathan, Joel, Ken and Rob anticipated recruiting and developing our successors over the spring and turning over the reins for the fall. It is long past time for new blood to take over.
That said, we won’t leave this program in the middle of a crisis. We’ll stay on to kick-off (yep, pun intended) next season but it will be our last. Hopefully people step up and volunteer early and shadow us for our last lap to learn the ropes.
Division Coordinators needed
We need new Division Coordinators to lead the U5B, U5G, and U6G Divisions next year. Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about the positions.
Registration Fees
Ideally we would refund everyone the variable-cost component of the spring season’s share of the full-year registration fee. We have fixed expenses like uniforms, CCSD fees for school fields, National and Area fees, Volunteer Registration fees, etc. that have already been paid. The variable expenses like trainers, referees, field lining, trophies, the coaches dinner, etc. won’t be incurred this spring so we can return these funds as proposed below.
HOWEVER, PayPal (the system we use to accept most of our payments) will only allow refunds for payments made in the last 180 days. The only way to refund payments made earlier than that (most people paid last spring & summer) would be to write checks out by hand and mail them.
We have about 650 registered players. There is no practical way to write and mail that many checks, so:
(1) Spring-only and Fall-Spring Extensions will be fully refunded as they never actually played and they made their payments in the last 180 days (see bottom for update), and
(2) we decided we’d affect a rebate by lowering next year’s Fall/Spring registration fees by $100.
Fees for 2020-21 will be:
VIP, U5-U8: $165 (down from $265)
U10-U19: $195 (down from $295)
VIP, U5-U8: $175 (unchanged)
U10-U19: $215 (unchanged)
Registration fees for MY2021-2022 will reset to a then-appropriate rate
All PayPal spring payments were refunded on May 2nd.
If you paid by check for the spring, please email the registrar: registrar@chappaquaayso.org
with the following refund info:
- your name
- your mailing address
- player name(s)
- check date, check number, check amount